The Confidence Guy

Wired into Truly Confident Living

Personal Confidence Coaching

April 2011 Update: I’m out of sessions right now and have started a waiting list system. If you’d like to work with me do get in touch to grab your place on the the list. I’ll be happy to chat with you about what you’re looking for and how my coaching works.

How do I know it’s for me?

My coaching isn’t for everyone. I take the serious stuff seriously, but the rest of it I laugh along with. If you want a coach who’s deadly serious and follows “conventional wisdom” that ain’t me. Sorry.

If you are:

  • expecting someone to do the heavy lifting for you
  • not ready to be honest with yourself, let alone anyone else
  • not able to bring your A game

Then working with me probably won’t be the right thing for you.

But. If you are:

  • ready, willing, able and even compelled to get stuck in to the good stuff
  • creative and curious to explore
  • hungry enough to want to put a “You” shaped dent in the universe
  • comfortable talking about and finding out about who you are (even if it’s a bit scary)

Then I’m definitely interested in working with you.

So what are the options?

You’ve got 2 options to chose from:

Confidence Coaching Package
This is all about getting you to a place where you feel naturally confident and are ready, able and even compelled to put a dent in the universe.  We follow my Truly Confident Living coaching method over a course of 8 sessions, dipping into what we need from the method whenever we need it.

These 50 minute session take place every 2 weeks, and in each session we take another important step and I’ll give you focused support and guidance every step of the way.

I’ll give you my very best and ask the same from you – the aim of this package is to give you all the tools, insights and strategies you need to build your natural confidence to a point where you can achieve the extraordinary.

To get you playing your best game we’ll set fieldwork for you to complete between sessions, and you also get unlimited support by email so you can always ask a question if you feel stuck, want extra clarity or want to dig deeper, or just if you wanna let me know what’s happening.

This is the all-singing, all-dancing package that gets great results, simply because it’s packed full of all the things I’ve seen work time and time again.

Momentum Coaching
This option is for you if you want to maintain momentum in your life, to keep yourself ‘topped up’, focused on what really matters, putting your dent in the universe and enjoying where you are, right now. You get a single 50 minute session to use each month, or a popular choice is to split that into 2 x 30 minute sessions.

We can laser right in to what’s happening, get some quick insights where it’s helpful, get you unstuck and help you along with whatever you’re working on.  As time is more limited with this one it’s typically for those people I’ve coached before (or who’ve been through a coaching programme with another coach).

Wanna get started?

What’s it worth to feel so naturally, wonderfully confident that you can’t wait to make something extraordinary happen in your life?  I think it would be pretty priceless.

Using the buttons below you can buy the Confidence Coaching Package as a monthly fee, or you can save even more by picking up the 8 session package.  Also below is the button for Momentum Coaching.

I do have a couple of slots at a reduced price for people who I’m completely bonkers about coaching but who just can’t cover the full price.

At the risk of sounding obvious, coaching is a very personal thing, so if you decide during our first session that we’re not a good fit then just let me know and I’ll happily refund your fee.

Confidence Coaching Package
(8 sessions over 4 months)
Package price $1397 (save $603) Buy Now
Monthly price $397 (save $412) Buy Now
Momentum Coaching
(1 session per month)
Monthly price $250 Buy Now

Next Steps

Read what other folks have to say about working with me in the panel on the right, and before you commit to a coaching package you’re welcome to try me out to see what you think.

You can schedule a 25 minute ‘Kickstart Your Confidence‘ session with me, or you can use that same 25 minutes to learn more about my coaching method and how it might work for you.

Book your 25 minute Kickstart session here

What Would You Do with Loads of Self-Confidence?

Would you go after that promotion? Get out of that relationship that no longer works for you? Start that new career you’ve been excited about for ages but keep putting off? Find someone who makes you feel like you’ve always wanted to feel? Would you make a start on that idea you’ve been putting off for ages, or would it just be a good change to feel genuinely good about yourself?

Truth is, with real confidence there’s a whole bunch of things you can do.

See, real confidence is about having implicit trust in yourself. Real confidence is trusting yourself to move forwards with the stuff that matters to you, and believing that you can deal with whatever happens.

That’s why I do this coaching thing, because I think that’s a pretty cool thing to have, and it’s something that can change your life and what’s in it.

Is It For Me?

This isn’t for everyone, for the simple reason that you have to go and do stuff.

It isn’t a case of having a warm, fluffy conversation and then going back to your life and carrying on like normal. If you’re looking for an instant fix or some feel-good mumbo-jumbo then you’re probably better off getting a cat or some chocolate cake. Or both.

When people work with me on their confidence they don’t do it because they kinda, sorta want something different, they work with me because they want to feel truly confident, and they’re willing to put the effort in to make that happen.

You have to want to change things, you have to want to feel truly confident. Wanting to want that isn’t enough – you’ve got to be ready.

Client Testimonials

Karen Jacobsen from NYC

Christine Laidlaw from Scotland

Honestly, so much within me has changed. Steve guides you to have complete clarity on how to break old patterns and unveil the best version of yourself, for yourself.

If you are reading these testimonials then you are in the right place to change the old habits and find the tools within yourself to make a change that will only benefit you. That is the most important part, working with Steve puts you through a process that ultimately rewards you with an insight into your own make up/psyche and how to get the best out of yourself. It is challenging but worth every second. Do it.
Tonya from LA

I have really appreciated the insight and ability to zone in on my passions that Steve has. I’ve achieved a new job, a more coherent direction and an ability to take pleasure in more of what I do than ever before.

If you’re serious about making your life better then it’s time to give Steve a call.
James Lloyd from Nottingham

This has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done for myself. I’m glad I took the time to find a coach that I felt comfortable with because there have been times when I have needed to touch on very private things and I feel completely at ease with that. I have a new excitement about life and a clearer picture of myself.

There were times early on when I felt that perhaps you didn’t “get” what I was trying to do or where I wanted to get to. I was wrong – it was me who didn’t get that stuff but with the goals and actions we have worked through I do now.

Never once did you tell me the answer. You guided me to find it myself and that has been the magic!”
Stephanie Favell from Norfolk

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